Daddy’s Girl

book cover: daddy's girl

To begin with the beginning. It is among the most catchy first chapters that I’ve ever read. I mean, may be its just me but teaching Merchant of Venice in a law school… Well, you have my attention. ‘

Daddy’s Girl’, the title, I believe doesn’t do justice to the book or the character to whom it refers. I didn’t really get much ‘daddy’s girl’ kinda vibes from the leading lady around whom the story revolves.

If you go through Lisa Scottoline’s list of books, it won’t come as breaking news to you that this book is a legal mystery. What I found a bit different about this particular novel of hers (based on my in depth perusal of the synopsis of her books) was that the main protagonist is not a lawyer but a law teacher. And that too, a law teacher with a twist (already made clear by the fact that she discusses works of Shakespeare with to be lawyers). So if you love the genre but might be a little over John Grisham, then this is the author for you.

It’s got suspense, crime, bad guys who will give you the creeps at night and quite a fast pace. In fact, that last point is something I found to be quite unique to the writing style of Ms. Scottoline. I mean, I didn’t really feel at any point that things were being dragged. In fact, that might just be some people’s complain with the book. It ends to quickly. Not much left to do for people who ruin books by reading them in abridged versions.

Over all, it’s definitely a captivating read. It’s got elements of humour, intrigue, sensitivity, and much of what we want in a book.


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