There are books you like so much that you just can’t wait to reach the end to know how the story concludes. And then there are books that you love so much that even though you want to know the conclusion, you just don’t want the book to end.
Lilac Girls is one of the second type.
I stumbled upon this title in a Goodreads list of fiction recommendations. The novel is based around World War II and how different people’s lives were impacted by the events. Now, I have read several books based around this theme. I have read about the atrocities, the injustice, the spies, the mental trauma that the oppressors and the victims underwent. But trust me when I say this, I have never lived those experiences right alongside the characters ever before.
I must mention here that this is Martha Hall Kelly’s debut novel. I was amazed that she could paint such deep stories in her first fiction venture itself. But then I came to know that she actually took up writing fiction because she was so intrigued by this story. The main incidents are real and most of the characters’ names haven’t even been changed. She stumbled upon this story through her love for lilacs and knew that she had to bring the story to the world.
The author’s involvement with the story compels the reader to empathise with each and every character. One might have read about the concentration camps, the brutal experiments on the prisoners and the physical and psychological trauma, but this novel brings those incidents to life.
I cannot explain in words the experience I had reading this book. All I can say is that this is one of those books that I would urge any fiction reader to definitely pick up. Whenever you start a book which revolves around war, you know you are in for some atrocious scenes. I must warn, such scenes in this particular novel are so impactful that they emotionally move you as if it was happening to a loved one. But please don’t let that stop you from reading this novel through (unless you have some deep set issues related to violent themes) because if the writing can bring tears to your eyes, you’ll also find yourself feeling truly happy from the bottom of your heart when the characters reach the ups in their lives.
In the end, all I’d say is that this is one of those rare pieces that you remember even after decades of reading thousands of other books. Don’t miss out on this one.